Research Programs
CSGEF research is centered on the following’s programs.

The Future of Energy Program (PFE)
As gross domestic product growth, technology developments, primary energy demand by sector, energy supply by fuel, energy intensity and carbon emissions, energy transition and advancement in the field fossil fuels extractions will led to oversupplied oil markets and an emerging natural gas glut which will have significant implication on the future supply and demand of energy

The Future of Knowledge & Innovation Program (FKIP)
Knowledge can be defined as the produce, constitute or inputs of serval verticals such as Pre-University Education, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (RDI), Information and Communications Technology (ICT); The knowledge economy and the enabling environments.

The Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Program on The Future of Economic Powers & Geo-economics Program (JNJ-EP&G)
Due to continued technology-driven productivity improvements the global economy output could more than double in size by 2050. The E7 will surpasses the G7 and unfortunately the US will become the third largest economy

Global, Regional & National Development Plans Program (GRAND)
National development plans are driven by nations and lead to positive change that dictates public policy in governance, resources, health, economy, defense, and security. They involve large geographical areas and cover a broad range of topics.