Global China 2049 Initiative to help local business leaders
Given the United States’ seemingly long-term China containment policy, the Global China 2049 Initiative presents challenges rather than opportunities to the US, a paper published by the Centre for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF) has claimed. The paper, Global China 2049 Initiative: Challenges and Opportunities for the US, has been produced by CSGEF Non-Resident Fellow Prof. Yana Leksyutina as part of its Future of Economic Powers & Geoeconomics (EP&G) Programme. Prof. Leksyutina highlights a set of state-led strategies

دراسة لـ«مركز دراسات مستقبل الاقتصاد العالمي» حول المنافسة بين الصين والولايات المتحدة
المصدر: دبي ـ البيان التاريخ: 27 يوليو 2021 أعد «مركز دراسات مستقبل الاقتصاد العالمي» ورقة بحثية بعنوان «مبادرة الصين العالمية 2049: تحديات وفرص أمام الولايات المتحدة»، وضعتها يانا ليكسيوتينا الأستاذة الزميلة غير المقيمة في المركز كجزء من برنامج مستقبل القوى الاقتصادية التابع للمركز. وأكد محمود شريف محمود، العضو المنتدب لـ«مركز دراسة المستقبل الاقتصادي العالمي»، ضرورة دراسة الأبعاد المتعددة للاتجاهات الجيواقتصادية الآخذة في التبلور على مستوى العالم، لا سيما في سياق المنافسة بين الولايات المتحدة والصين. ووضع الدكتور ريني كاستانيدا تحليلاً في إصدار يوليو للمركز لبرنامج مستقبل «الحوكمة الاقتصادية العالمية بعنوان «تقييم مستقبل ديناميكيات القوة الاقتصادية الرئيسية في أمريكا اللاتينية». وقال في هذا السياق: اتسم العقدان الماضيان بإضعاف للأولويات السياسية والاقتصادية للولايات المتحدة في أمريكا اللاتينية من جهة، وإعادة توجيه جهودها تجاه الشرق الأوسط. وقد أخذت الصين دفة قيادة سلسلة التوريد العالمية من الولايات المتحدة على نحو متزايد. وسمح هذا

CSGEF to focus on global economic trends - MSN
Dubai's knowledge and research sector has received a significant boost with the launch of a new think tank devoted to studying economic, socio-economic, geo-economics, and systemic forces that exert influence on the future of the global economy. The Centre for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF), which launched its website recently, will engage with top researchers worldwide in its quest to become a knowledge reference for policymakers, research institutions, and the private sector. CSGES will shed light on the forces that

Dubai's new think tank to focus on global economics
Dubai, United Arab Emirates Jul 4, 2021 - Dubai’s knowledge and research sector has received a significant boost with the launch of a new think tank devoted to studying economic, socio-economic, geo-economics, and systemic forces that exert influence on the future of the global economy. The Centre for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF), which launched its website recently, will engage with top researchers worldwide in its quest to become a knowledge reference for policymakers, research institutions, and the private sector.

CSGEF to focus on global economic trends
Dubai’s knowledge and research sector has received a significant boost with the launch of a new think tank devoted to studying economic, socio-economic, geo-economics, and systemic forces that exert influence on the future of the global economy. The Centre for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF), which launched its website recently, will engage with top researchers worldwide in its quest to become a knowledge reference for policymakers, research institutions, and the private sector.

Dubai's new think tank to focus on global economics trends
Dubai's new think tank to focus on global economics, socioeconomics, and geo-economic trends. July 04, 2021 at 11:50 AM EDT The Center for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF) to offer a unique perspective on economics, socio-economic and systemic forces sustaining global economy’s future. Dubai, United Arab Emirates Jul 4, 2021 - Dubai's knowledge and research sector have received a significant boost with the launch of a new think tank devoted to the study of the economic, socioeconomic, geoeconomics, and

Dubai's New Think Tank To Focus On Global Economics, Socioeconomics, And Geo-Economic Trends.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates Jul 4, 2021 -Dubai’s knowledge and research sector has received a significant boost with the launch of a new think tank devoted to studying economic, socio-economic, geo-economics, and systemic forces that exert influence on the future of the global economy. The Centre for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF), which launched its website recently, will engage with top researchers worldwide in its quest to become a knowledge reference for policymakers, research institutions, and the private sector.