Geofuture & Geofusion

GeoFuture & GeoFusion

SESSION 1 : The Center for the Study of Global Economic Future hosted an interview with Dr. Norbert Csizmadia as part of the ‘Interview With Author series , an initiative of The Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Program on The Future of Economic Powers & Geo-economics (J. Nye EP&G). The interview address the topic of “GeoFuture & GeoFusion ” in light of  Dr, Norbert’s Books “GEOFUTURE – Eurasian Complexity Connectivity and Sustainability and Geofusion: The power of geography and the mapping of the 21st century.  Dr. Norbert Csizmadia’ is renowned Geographical Futurist, expert in economic strategy, geostrategy, regional and urban development, and geopolitics. Dr. Norbert was interviewed by Dr. Renny Castaneda, Professor at the College of Security and Global Studies, American University of the Emirates. Mr. Mahmood Sharif, Managing Director-CSGEF, presided the interview. The event provided high-quality content for policymakers, development leaders, geoeconomics , geographer and geopolitical thought leaders  and practitioners.

SESSION 2: The Center for the Study of Global Economic Future (CSGEF) hosted an interview with Dr. Norbert Csizmadia ( as part of the ‘Interview With Author “ series-an initiative of The Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Program on The Future of Economic Powers & Geo-economics (J. Nye EP&G). The event addressed the challenges, opportunities, and key success factors that nations face in the 21st century by emphasizing the concepts of sustainability, connectivity, and complexity. The discussion emphasizes the importance of connectivity and complexity in global competitiveness, highlighting the fusion of geography and the role of global cities as drivers of economic growth while illuminating the centrality of Eurasia as well as the importance of Dubai-UAE in such emerging Geofutuer global map and its relation to the concept of “THE KIDSINGCHI”. Additionally, the report explores the significance of small nations, technological assets, education, and transportation infrastructure in shaping a nation’s future success.

The interview topic was “GeoFuture & GeoFusion ” in light of  Dr, Norbert’s Books “GEOFUTURE – Eurasian Complexity Connectivity and Sustainability” and “Geofusion: The Power of Geography and the Mapping of the 21st Century “ (

Dr. Norbert Csizmadia’ is renowned Geographical Futurist, expert in economic strategy, geostrategy, regional and urban development, and geopolitics. Dr. Norbert was interviewed by Dr. Renny Castaneda, a Professor at the College of Security and Global Studies, American University of the Emirates @aueae: 

Post Event Summary Intro

The Center for the Study of Global Economic Future hosted an interview with Dr. Norbert Csizmadia as part of the ‘Interview With Author series , an initiative of The Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Program on The Future of Economic Powers & Geo-economics (J. Nye EP&G). The interview address the topic of “GeoFuture & GeoFusion ” in light of  Dr, Norbert’s Books “GEOFUTURE – Eurasian Complexity Connectivity and Sustainability and Geofusion: The power of geography and the mapping of the 21st century.  Dr. Norbert Csizmadia’ is renowned Geographical Futurist, expert in economic strategy, geostrategy, regional and urban development, and geopolitics. Dr. Norbert was interviewed by Dr. Renny Castaneda, Professor at the College of Security and Global Studies, American University of the Emirates. Mr. Mahmood Sharif, Managing Director-CSGEF, presided the interview. The event provided high-quality content for policymakers, development leaders, geoeconomics , geographer and geopolitical thought leaders  and practitioners.

استضاف مركز دراسات مستقبل الاقتصاد العالمي في دبي في 11 مايو2023، مقابلة مع الدكتور نوربرت سيزميديا، كجزء من سلسلة “مقابلة مع المؤلف” التابعة للمركز. والتي تعتبر مبادرة من برنامج جوزيف إس. ناي جونيور حول مستقبل القوى الاقتصادية الجيواقتصاد (J. Nye EP&G). تناولت المقابلة موضوع “المستقبل الجغرافي والاندماج الجغرافي” في ضوء الكتب التي أصدرها البروفيسور سيزميديا حول “المستقبل الجغرافي – تعقيدات القارة الأوراسية والاستدامة والاندماج الجغرافي: قوة الجغرافيا ورسم خرائط القرن الواحد والعشرين”. السيد سيزميديا هو عالم مستقبل جغرافي مشهور، وهو خبير في الاستراتيجية الاقتصادية والجيواستراتيجية والتنمية الإقليمية والحضرية والجيوسياسة، وقد قام الدكتور ريني كاستانيدا، الأستاذ في كلية الأمن والدراسات العالمية بجامعة الإمارات الأمريكية بإجراء المقابلة. وترأس المقابلة المدير التنفيذي لـلمركز، السيد محمود شريف. تقدم هذه الفعالية محتوى عالي الجودة لصناع القرار وقادة عملية التنمية والقائمين عليها.



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