World, Regional, & National Economic Outlook

Middle East & Central Asia (MECA) From 2024-2029

Explore dynamic heatmaps showcasing economic outlook


This factsheet, based on IMF data, showcases Middle East & Central Asia projections spanning from 2024 to 2029.

MECA -2025, The Economic Rebound

MECA -2025

No Data Found

MECA 2026-2029 Trajectory:

MECA 2026-2029

No Data Found

Comparison with other Emerging Regions:

Emerging Regions

No Data Found

Comparison with Global Growth :

Global Growth

No Data Found

Growth Stability:

Growth Stability

No Data Found

In Summary

The economic outlook for the Middle East and Central Asia from 2025 to 2029 indicates a promising trajectory, with growth rates projected to peak at 4.161% in 2026, before stabilizing around 3.75%. This performance surpasses the global average and outshines several emerging regions, highlighting the region’s resilience and ongoing economic diversification. The gradual moderation in growth rates suggests a sustainable path forward, positioning MECA as a significant contributor to global economic momentum. Overall, the region is poised for sustained development, reflecting structural changes and stability in its economic landscape.


The World, Regional, and National Economic Outlook Visual Insights series simplifies economic forecasts for 2024-2029 with easy-to-understand infographics. Covering Global Economic Projections, EMDE regions, and MECA regions—including the Arabian Gulf, Levant, North Africa, and Central Asia—it presents key trends through visually engaging charts, making complex data accessible at a glance

All insights and projections are derived from reliable, up-to-date data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF is a trusted global organization known for its comprehensive and accurate economic analysis, ensuring the World, Regional, and National Economic Outlook Visual Insights series offers credible and authoritative information.

World, Regional, and National Economic Outlook Visual Insights series focuses on global economic growth trajectories, providing a concise and visually appealing representation of key global economy trends. It covers projections for GDP growth rates, regional economic shifts, and emerging market trends, offering valuable insights into the economic landscape over the next several years.

Researchers, policymakers, economists, business leaders, educators, students, and anyone curious about global economic trends can benefit from Visual Insight. Whether you’re conducting in-depth research, making informed policy decisions, or simply staying updated, this tool provides the insights needed to understand the economic future and make well-informed choices.

World, Regional, and National Economic Outlook Visual Insights series is available online and can be accessed at The platform is designed for ease of use, allowing users to quickly explore and analyze economic projections with just a few clicks.

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